Thursday, October 1, 2009

Considering the Proposed Amendments to the Sites SW revision of the Mora County CLUP by Shell Corp

by Don Shaw, Drilling Mora County

Take each amendment Shell makes to Sites SW proposed CLUP and list them in order in a left hand column. Then in the right hand column make an interpretive note of the recommended amendment in terms of what liabilities it relieves Shell of if they pursued O&G development in Mora County.

You will find the sum of these suggested amendments frames a working profile for Shell of no liability, no responsibility to stated CLUP goals, no county Ordinance regarding performance and no limits or liability from working extraction in the County.

The only recognized restrictions or controls are the State and Federal laws already on the books and none of which protect the Counties CLUP stated goals regarding the land, air, water or infrastructure nor in any way its citizens.

To agree to these changes verges on a criminal act especially considering the Mora CLUP was written with stated goals to specifically protect the County and its Citizens.