Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Life vs. Productivity: "What Would You Live and Die to Protect?--Truthout
What if Royal Dutch Shell subsidiaries began drilling and pumping 1000s of gallons of their toxic chemicals into your land and into your aquifers? What would you be willing to do to protect your family and water?
Drilling Mora County
"I say, do something," Jensen urges. "The big dividing line is not between those who advocate resistance through any means necessary and those who don't. It's not even between grassroots and mainstream. The big divide is between those who do something and those who don't."
Derrick Jensen
05 September 2010
by: Dahr Jamail
"If someone broke into your house, pinned down your loved ones and began pouring poison down their throats, would you stop that person? What if someone poured crude oil all over your crops and livestock? Wouldn't you try to stop them from doing it? Pointed questions like these come from a man named Derrick Jensen. They provide a lens through which to view the havoc that corporate capitalism is wreaking on our planet. They are meant to jolt us into the awareness that we are watching life on earth annihilated. They are also meant to challenge us into thinking about what form our resistance to this should take."
"It is criminal to teach a man not to defend himself, when he is the constant victim of brutal attacks." -Malcolm X
If someone broke into your house, pinned down your loved ones and began pouring poison down their throats, would you stop that person?
What if someone poured crude oil all over your crops and livestock? Wouldn't you try to stop them from doing it?...continued....
What if Royal Dutch Shell subsidiaries began drilling and pumping 1000s of gallons of their toxic chemicals into your land and into your aquifers? What would you be willing to do to protect your family and water?
Drilling Mora County
"I say, do something," Jensen urges. "The big dividing line is not between those who advocate resistance through any means necessary and those who don't. It's not even between grassroots and mainstream. The big divide is between those who do something and those who don't."
Derrick Jensen
05 September 2010
by: Dahr Jamail
"If someone broke into your house, pinned down your loved ones and began pouring poison down their throats, would you stop that person? What if someone poured crude oil all over your crops and livestock? Wouldn't you try to stop them from doing it? Pointed questions like these come from a man named Derrick Jensen. They provide a lens through which to view the havoc that corporate capitalism is wreaking on our planet. They are meant to jolt us into the awareness that we are watching life on earth annihilated. They are also meant to challenge us into thinking about what form our resistance to this should take."
"It is criminal to teach a man not to defend himself, when he is the constant victim of brutal attacks." -Malcolm X
If someone broke into your house, pinned down your loved ones and began pouring poison down their throats, would you stop that person?
What if someone poured crude oil all over your crops and livestock? Wouldn't you try to stop them from doing it?...continued....