Monday, May 26, 2008

"State's New Pit Rules Long Overdue"--Las Vegas Optic, by Rose Josefa

It’s wonderful that New Mexico’s Oil Conservation Commission has signed the final version of the oil and gas waste pit rule.

The new pit rule should be celebrated because it is a long overdue, common sense, oil and gas regulation that protects public health, the environment, landowners and communities. The Oil Conservation Division does not have enough inspectors to inspect all oil and gas wells and certainly the oil and gas industry does not protect the public when left to its own devices.

The pit rule truly does protect water, communities and public health while still allowing for a productive oil and gas industry. It is important to site pits and waste away from water, homes and other community resources, and to use tanks or closed-loop systems when they are close to these resources. And it is critical for the state to know how many pits we have and where they are located. Rose Josefa, Mora