Thursday, February 9, 2012

Bill McKibben, Why the Energy-Industrial Elite Has It In for the Planet

February 7, 2012
The giant energy companies are making so much money right now that they can’t stop gorging themselves. ExxonMobil, year after year, pulls in more money than any company in history. Chevron’s not far behind. Everyone in the business is swimming in money.

Still, they could theoretically invest all that cash in new clean technology or research and development for the same. As it happens, though, they’ve got a deeper problem, one that’s become clear only in the last few years. Put briefly: their value is largely based on fossil-fuel reserves that won’t be burned if we ever take global warming seriously.

When I talked about a carbon bubble at the beginning of this essay, this is what I meant. Here are some of the relevant numbers, courtesy of the Capital Institute: we’re already seeing widespread climate disruption, but if we want to avoid utter, civilization-shaking disaster, many scientists have pointed to a two-degree rise in global temperatures as the most we could possibly deal with....continued......

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Mari Margil, CELDF Rights of Nature PART III

Mari Margil, CELDF Nature's Rights Part II

Mari Magil, CELDF Rights of Nature Part I

The associate director of the Community Environmental Defense Fund (CELDF) describes the inspiring, groundbreaking work CELDF and she  are doing to recognize Rights of Nature in law in both the U.S. and Ecuador, which recently became the worlds first nation to enshrine such rights in its constitution.

RADIO INTERVIEW: "Our Times:" Program host Craig Barnes interview CELDF's Executive Director Thomas Linzey on KSFR 101.1 FM Santa Fe Public Radio

Rights of Nature, people's inalienable rights, democracy, local sustainability and local self-government--listen to Craig Barnes, civil rights attorney, interview Thomas Linzey, CELDF, a constitutional attorney on issues about rights and democracy in today's structure of law.

Monday, February 6, 2012

RADIO INTERVIEW: Jessica Ernst on Alberta water contamination

Listen to Jessica Ernst talk about hydraulic fracturing in Alberta--the water, air, land contamination, and the severing of communities through industry's tactics.  Her thoughts on how this industry is maneuvering to break apart the European Union by drilling in Poland.

Josh Fox, director of Gasland documentary, handcuffed

Fox was led out in handcuffs by the Capitol police shortly after 10 a.m., before the hearing could be gaveled into order. The "Gasland" director was attempting to film the hearing looking into EPA's investigation of potential water contamination from natural gas drilling in Pavillion, Wyo.

Read more:

RADIO INTERVIEW: Thomas Linzey w/ public radio KFUN

CELDF's work to help communities organize against corporate threats is outlined in this recent radio interview with KFUN, Public radio, NM.